Online expo at Etopia Zaragoza, May 2021
GANlapse video photography and architecture inspired stills by Simon Colton
Curation by Blanca PĂ©rez Ferrer
Published as NFTs on hic et nunc
What if an artificial intelligence system was considered a truly creative, independent artist or scientist?
What would that mean, why would that be important? How would we achieve this, and how would we measure success? What are the ideas behind this goal, and what are practical ways to proceed?
This is a website containing the projects, ideas and artwork of Simon Colton, an AI researcher, generative artist and founding member of the field of Computational Creativity, who has studied these questions for 25 years.
“Computational Creativity is the science, engineering and philosophy of of computational systems which, by taking on particular responsibilities, exhibit behaviours that unbiased observers would deem to be creative.”
Simon Colton and Geraint Wiggins, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2012.
In this field, we make things (generative AI systems) that make things, by handing over creative responsibilities to the AI systems, so that people may think of them as being independently creative. We apply these techniques to practical projects across the arts, sciences and humanities. And importantly, we provide philosophical justification of our ideas around creativity and frameworks within which we can assess progress in the field.
Most of the work here has been in collaboration with wonderful colleagues. However, all of the opinions on this website are those of Simon Colton and do not necessarily reflect those of his employers or collaborators.
All materials on the website are copyright Simon Colton